- No one will win me by showing up around how she beautiful is .
- 没有人会赢得周围展示她如何漂亮是我。
- Are you letting me win to cheer me up ?
- 你能让我赢一盘让我高兴高兴吗?
- Although rocky didn 't win he certainly put up a good show .
- 尽管罗克没有获胜,但他确实表现不错。
- A goran supporter parliament member sirwan zahawi said his bloc could win up to 35 seats in the 111 seat kurdish parliament .
- 反对派支持者议会议员泽哈维说,他的集团可能在库尔德议会111个席位中“赢得多达35个席位”。
- Some of the participants stood to win up to a day 's income others about two weeks ' income and those with most to gain could in theory have scooped about six months ' income .
- 一些参加者能赢得不超过一天的收入,其他的是大约两周的收入,而那些有机会赚得最多的,理论上讲本可以得到大约六个月的收入。
- Eads recently announced a contract win of up to eur 1 billion from the procurement office in germany 's federal ministry of the interior .
- 欧洲宇航防务集团近期赢得德国联邦内政部采办办公室价值10亿欧元的合同。
- To win the primaries and gin up core conservative support he has amputated those parts of his political persona that might have allowed him to come across as something other than a generic republican .
- 为了赢得初选和关键性的新保守主义者的支持,他完全放弃了部分个人政治风格,而这些风格恰好本可以将他打造成一个非同寻常的共和党人。
- We will win or die give up or run no one is going .
- 我们将取得胜利或是死亡,但没有人会选择投降或逃跑。
- It amounted to a declaration of turf war he could not win and he ended up a victim .
- 这就相当于他宣布了一场他不能取胜的争夺战,最终成为一个牺牲品。
- Ultimately they decide who 's gonna win so everyone has to suck up to them .
- 毕竟最后是他们决定谁赢得战争所以每个人都要拍他们马屁.